We are glad that you have found our site and hope that you will visit us in person in the future.
Please use the links below to learn about our parish, schedule, organizations and more.
Weekday Services
Orthros at 8am / Divine Liturgy at 9am
Schedule Change: there will be no Presanctified Liturgy on Wednesday, March 12
Tuesday, March 25 - Divine Liturgy for the Feast of the Annunciation
Weekday Lenten Services at 6:00pm
Monday: Great Compline
Wednesday: Presanctified Liturgy
Friday: Salutations of the Theotokos
Schedule Update: Feed the Hungry Service Project will not take place this month (March).
Bible Study Now Follows Wednesday Presanctified Liturgy @7:30pm during Lent.
Sunday Worship: Orthros 9:00am ~ Divine Liturgy 10:00am
Vespers: No Vespers during Lent ~ Saturdays at 5:00pm Resumes after Pascha