
A Message to the Community

Orthodox Christian stewardship is the true meaning of the term "Orthopraxia." Effectively living and practicing our belief in Jesus Christ through faithful stewardship means that we offer our Time, Talents, and Treasures to the glory of God.

We commonly refer to the "three T's" of Stewardship, but one "T" may be missing or perhaps taken for granted. "Truth" in Stewardship means that we make an honest effort to focus on the call of Christ to commit ourselves to prayer, to work, and to give so that the body of Christ, the Church, may live and meet Her mission. St. Paul writes, "It is required in stewards, that a person be found faithful."(1 Cor.4-2). We must be willing to meet the challenge to strengthen the sacred work of our Church in America.

The Stewardship Committee encourages support for the Church, not because it is a responsibility, but a privilege. True commitment to your Church begins when we give sacrificially. It is right and proper that our Orthodox Christian offering be equitable and fair to the Church.

A member of the Orthodox Church is one who is baptized and chrismated into the Faith. Membership, however, does not end following our participation in the holy Mysteries of the Church. To be a faithful parishioner, a steward, means that we fulfill the vow made at our baptism to pledge ourselves to Christ, our King and God!

2023 Fillable PDF Commitment Form

Stewardship Part 1

Stewardship Part 2

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